
Klorofil Pro – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template



Klorofil Pro is Bootstrap 4 admin template. It’s a simple, clean and modern template built with premium quality


Klorofil Pro is Bootstrap 4 admin template. It’s a simple, clean and modern template built with premium quality. It provides 3 additional layout options, UI elements, form elements and validations, charts, widgets, dynamic tables, maps and other dashboard elements. It also comes with two additonal pre-built color options (skins) to choose. The template is built with SASS (.scss) to make the development easier and more industry-approved. Free lifetime future updates and support.

Klorofil Pro Features:

– Built with latest Bootstrap 4 and modern development workflow Gulp & NPM

– 4 Dashboards Demo

– 4 Layouts: Top Navigation, Minified, Fullwidth, Default

– Charts: Chart.js, Chartist, Flot Chart, Sparkline Chart

– Form Elements: autocomplete, switches, password show/hide, fancy checkbox and radio, masked input, multiselect, date picker, time/clock picker, color picker, input sliders, select2, tags input, inline editable input, drag and drop upload

– Form Layouts: ticket submission, contact form, sign in, sign up

– Form validations, super easy to configure, tons of validation options

– Editor: Summernote WYSIWYG, Markdown editor

– App Views: Project Details, Projects, Inbox, File Manager

– Tables: Static tables, Dynamic Tables (DataTables)

– UI Elements: Sweet Alert, Tree View, Wizard, Drag and Drop Upload, Nestable, Gauge, Panels, Progress Bars, Tabs, Buttons, Bootstrap UI, Social Buttons, Font Awesome icons, Themify icons.

– Widgets

– Customizable and stylish Gnome/Growl type non-blocking notifications.

– Maps: JQVMap, Mapael

– Pages: User Profile, Login, Register, Lockscreen, Forgot Password, Page 404, Page 500, Blank Page

– Multilevel Menu

– Panels for different use and scenario

– Quick Note inspired by Google Keep

– To-do List

– Styled standard Bootstrap elements

– HTML5 W3C Validated

– Cross-Browser Tested

– Built with SASS and well organized HTML5, CSS and Javascript files

– 670+ Font Awesome icons and includes 320+ Themify Icons

– Documentation included

– Free support

Additional information

Demo URL

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