Free License
Unless it’s specified in product/item page, the license will follow our Free License:
- You may use free item for personal and/or commercial use, attribution is required. Please put a link on your work to
- Item (modified or unmodified) can not be resold.
- You may charge your client for your services to create an end-product incorporating this item as long as the end-product is not for sale.
- Item can not be redistributed as is. You can not offer the item as is for free redistribution such as placed in website that offer free stock items/templates.
- You may convert a template to CMS theme for free distribution only, attribution is required.
- We don’t provide any support for free items/templates.
Premium License
- Allows use of the item (by you or your client) in multiple installation/final product.
- You can license, sublicense, resell or redistribute final product incorporated with the item by you or your client.
- You can use the item in a SaaS product where the end user must pay to use it.
- Item can not be resold or redistributed as is.
- If the item contains licensed components, those components must only be used within the item and you must not extract and use them on a stand-alone basis.