A brand new resume template with uniques style is here. CVilized is a resume / CV / vCard template with timeline style. This template is suitable for anyone who wants to have a personalized resume website with unique style, layout and colors. However, with small modification, this template also can be used as one page template for agency or company profile. The power of Bootstrap, Sass and Compass allowing this template to always follow the standard and best practice. Try the easy and quick customization with Sass.
- Timeline Style Resume with 3 options: Left and Right (default), Left Only, Right Only
- Navigation bar options: Fixed and Auto Hiding
- Color skins
- Built With Sass and Compass
- Easy Customizing With Sass, we’ve provided a lot of variables of customization.
- Working AJAX Contact Form
- Easy Pie Chart
- Fancy Portfolio Item Effect
- Based on Bootstrap 3
- Mobile First Design
- Smooth Page Scrolling Navigation
- Scrollspy Page Navigation
- W3C Validated
- Well Documented