QueenAdmin is FREE admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap, Sass. It has tons of features and ready-to-use ui elements, widgets, charts and pages.
Clean & Beautiful Design
Everyhing is designed with care to ensure great experience and usability
CSS Preprocessor
Built with well organized Sass and Compass to maintain better future development.
Includes 10 pre-built skins to match with your branding
QueenAdmin provides Line Chart, Area Chart, Bar Chart, Donut Chart and mini charts.
Page Templates
All page templates you need such as User Profile, Search Result, Inbox, Knowledgebase, Ticket Submission and so on.
Of course, the template is responsive and compatible with mobile screen.
- More widgets and portlets (10+ items)
- Menu levels
- Wizards (arrow and circle styles)
- Fixed top and fixed left navigation toggle at style switcher
- Stunning, clean and crisp design
- Responsive design
- Fancy form elements and form layout examples
- Form validation
- In-place editing field
- Markdown and WYSIWYG text editor
- Working drag and drop upload
- Widgets, includes ajax-enabled widget
- Minified and off-canvas navigation
- Printer-friendly invoice
- Table with pagination, column filter, drag and drop colum reorder, data export and others
- Line Chart, Area Chart, Bar Chart, Donut Chart and mini charts
- Built with Sass and well organized HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript files
- Page templates (profile, search result, inbox, view message, new message, knowledge base, submit ticket, invoice, login, register and error pages)
- Growl-like notifications
- Bootstrap tour
- Vector map and Google map
- 10 built-in skins
- HTML5 (validated) / CSS3 / Sass + Compass
- Documentation