Zi is an simple App landing page template created to make your App looks outstanding between the crowd. It has clear and simple design for best visual appearance and elegant feel. The features and sections let you present the App beautifully and with its interactions, visitor will enjoy digging what your App is about and finally use it. The theme also has ultra responsive design that make the layout looks good in any screen size, thus impacting great content accessibility.
- Delivered with 5 different styles: fullscreen slider, fullscreen image (iPhone), fullscreen video, single column fullscreen image and fullscreen image (Nexus 5)
- Simple, clean and elegant design
- Ultra responsive design
- Handcrafted to achieve the best readibility and accessibility
- Working mailchimp AJAX newsletter form
- Infinite screenshots slider
- 7 built-in color skins
- Vimeo and YouTube video embed ready
- Page preloader and without preloader
- 600+ font icons
- Easy to customize
- HTML5 validated and CSS3 transition
- Elegant-feel page scrolling
- Built with Sass and well organized HTML, CSS and Javascript files
- BONUS: Pre-launch Page with working AJAX newsletter form.